Thursday, March 13, 2008

Extra-credit assignment

If you would like to boost your grade a bit, here's something you can do about it. I also think you'll find this to be an interesting assignment. To cap off our discussion of media bias, I would like you to write a 600- to 700-word essay (the length of an op-ed column) on a mainstream news organization and whether you think its news coverage is biased.

Please cite three examples of this organization's news coverage to bolster your case. I'm specifying news coverage because I don't want you to cite a columnist or an editorial as an example. Offer your argument, and explain why you have come to the conclusion you've reached.

You can conclude that the news org you're looking at is biased or not biased. For example, the Fox News Channel is widely viewed as tilting conservative, and the New York Times to the left. Maybe you disagree and can come up with three instances to show why.

If you choose to do this assignment, and I hope you will, it will be due at the beginning of class next Thursday, March 13 20. You do not need to give me copies of your examples — your essay alone will be sufficient.

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